User talk:Pcastellina

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Hello Pcastellina, welcome to the multilingual Wikisource! Thanks for your interest in the project; we hope you'll enjoy the community and your work here.

This wiki is the original Wikisource wiki, originally hosting works in many languages. The larger collections have been spawned into separate projects, leaving this wiki to serve as a central collaboration point, and as an environment where works without a language subdomain can be started. Refer to our languages list to see which languages still reside on this wiki. You can find a list of the separate language projects on the main page or here and you may want to look at the our coordination page for limitations on placing certain works on the separate language projects.

Most questions and discussions about the community are in the Scriptorium.

The Community Portal lists tasks you can help with if you wish. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me on my talk page!

Zyephyrus (talk) 21:33, 11 December 2014 (UTC)}}Reply



Wouldn't this link be better placed on the talk page and the content on the content page? Perhaps I have misunderstood the meaning of this link? Regards, --Zyephyrus (talk) 21:40, 11 December 2014 (UTC)Reply

Creare un collegamento tra le lingue minori delle Alpi


Ti disturbo anche qua per una proposta: creare una pagina di collegamento tra le lingue minori delle AlpiMizardellorsa (talk) 02:26, 29 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Per me va bene. Dammi i riferimenti che guardo. --Pcastellina (talk) 06:04, 29 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Su Wikisource in lingua italiana c'è una pagina con i collegamenti. Propongo qualche cosa di simile anche su quella multilingue--Mizardellorsa (talk) 06:20, 29 May 2017 (UTC)Reply
La categorizzazione di it.wikisource non funziona suèis perché si tratta di due settori diversi. Molti testi piemontesi disponibili, infatti, non rientrano nell'ambito dei wikisouce italiano. Non so come risolvere il problema, sentiti libero di operarvi tu, se sai come farlo. Grazie. --Pcastellina (talk) 06:47, 29 May 2017 (UTC)Reply
Ho provato a caricare i testi in piemontese di Wikisource italiana su Main Page/Piemontèis/taula leteratura, vedi se va bene così. Sulle categorie ho fatto forse un pasticcio: non mi ero accorto che erano raggruppate per autore. Nel caso, cancello.--Mizardellorsa (talk) 00:46, 30 May 2017 (UTC)Reply
Credo che vada bene, grazie. lo riaggiusterò graficamente. Stavo provando a metterlo su due colonne, ma non riesco a settarle come si deve, nonostante i tentativi. te ne intendi di linguaggio markup del wiki? Io vorrei tanto essere più creativo in questo, ma si perde un mucchio di tempo provando anche solo a seguire le istruzioni. Molto frustrante, ma persisterò. --Pcastellina (talk) 10:09, 30 May 2017 (UTC)Reply



Hi! Please make sure you add all page to Category:Piemontèis, so none of them will get lost :) --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 13:06, 29 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Hi, I think that it would be useful to put the category Piemontèis only to the main title page of the specific work, leaving all the dependant subpages without. Would it not be confusing that people find a random subpage of a work without referring to the preceding pages? Unless I put a new category for the specific work? Anyway, I will see what similar works have done. Thanks. --Pcastellina (talk) 18:05, 29 May 2017 (UTC)Reply

Well, I would suggest you create a separate category with something like "Works/Texts" (translated into Piemontèis of course), where you can put the specific works. The reason why is purely logistic with an eye to the future: 1. if the Piemontèis wikisource is accepted to get a separate domain, it will be easier to export all pages because they are in a single category; 2. when all pages are in one category, you can keep track of all the changes in Piemontèis only (via this link) and you can check activity levels per month, incl. the number of pages/bytes added each month (via this link). --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 17:33, 30 May 2017 (UTC)Reply



I have a question concerning the book of Exodus. Currently, the page titles are "Surtia" without the accent grave on the "i", but I also see "Surtìa" with an accent. If the last one is correct, I can make sure all the pages are named correctly, as I got to move them anyway. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 10:04, 8 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Many thanks for your work! Yes, there could be an inconsistency there. It should be: "surtìa" with the accent. I realize, nevertheless, that address names on the Internet have problems with accents. Accents could be omitted in major page names, if it could be easier for the system. Apart from the Internet, there is in Piedmont actually a discussion whether written accents are really necessary or not, as for most people they are difficult to learn which and where to put them... An orthography reform could be useful, as the French language has done. Anyway, let's decide to omit accents in address names: they are irrelevant at that level! Regards. --Pcastellina (talk) 19:25, 8 June 2017 (UTC)Reply
Alright. In that case, we'll stick with "Surtia" without the accent :) --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 11:25, 9 June 2017 (UTC)Reply
There are still pages with "Intrada", asèisa/Testament_Vej/Salm Is is still work in progress or it slipped out? --Pcastellina (talk) 21:46, 9 June 2017 (UTC)Reply
Still in progress. I hope to finish this weekend. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 11:13, 10 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

It's done now. Let me know if you need any further help! You can always contact me on my talk page :) --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 18:54, 10 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Wonderful. Thank you again. --Pcastellina (talk) 13:42, 11 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

il tag poem


Per andare a capo nelle poesie, anzicchè br / si può aprire poem tra segno di minore e di maggiore, poi chiuderlo /poem sempre tra segno di minore e maggioe. Torno poi a proporti che nelle prime pagine delle lingue delle Alpi ( Piemontese, occitano , lombardo , romancio, ladino, friulano ecc , di fare un box di riinvio allealtre lingue alpine. Io non sono bravo in grafica, si potrebbe studiare un qualcosa di semplice, ma efficace.--Mizardellorsa (talk) 07:20, 14 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Grazie per il suggerimento. Non sono ancora pratico nemmeno io con le convenzioni del wiki, sto imparando. Per i link inter-alpini bisognerebbe chiedere consiglio ad un amministratore esperto. Per il momento io sto riaggiustando e organizzando più razionalmente il materiale esistente in piemontese. --Pcastellina (talk) 07:29, 14 June 2017 (UTC)Reply
Anch'io vado a tentoni. Mi sono permesso qualche proposta, ma forse ho fatto qualche pasticcio. Altrove io ho seguito il modello che ho trovato in romancio e l'ho ripetuto in ladino ad esempio . Bisogna chiedere se va bene.--Mizardellorsa (talk) 08:01, 14 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Beppe Burzio


Evidentemente disponi dei permessi per pubblicare le opere di Beppe Burzio. Cerca, però, di far risultare che sono state rilasciate con licenza CC by SA. So la procedura in wikisource in lingua italiana; non conosco invece le regole che ci sono qui.--Mizardellorsa (talk) 04:46, 15 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

La piccola rivista è stata chiusa nel 2003, quando è deceduto l'autore. Irreperibili so Internet, io sono l'unico redattore che possieda copia digitale degli ultimi due anni della rivista. Cercherò di mettere da qualche parte che è di dominio pubblico. --Pcastellina (talk) 06:25, 15 June 2017 (UTC)Reply
Tecnicamente, perchè non sono passati 70 anni, è meglio che da qualche parte risulti che il materiale della rivista è stato concesso con licenza cc by sa. Per quello che posso, se lo desideri, ti do una mano.--Mizardellorsa (talk) 19:02, 15 June 2017 (UTC)Reply
Ora è specificato qui:èis/Beppe_Burzio --Pcastellina (talk) 21:29, 15 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Pinin Pacòt


Salve Paolo, so' C.R., faccio lo scanner, OCR manuale e lettura di testi napoletani. Qualsiasi cosa, chiedi nella mia pagina senza problemi.

Per Pinin Pacòt, capita che ogni autore e contenuto bisognerebbe avere il permesso degli autori (o degli eredi); Altrimenti il copyright diventa pericoloso. :D

Basta una e-mail/lettera diretta dell'autore/eredi, che dica che si rilascia sotto licenza CC-BY-SA, un testo determinato. Poi si contatta coll'admin che registra questa e-mail (@Mizardellorsa: o io, te ne troviamo uno). Se l'autore sei te stesso, il problema non c'è.

PS: Complimenti per i lavori sulla bibbia, un giorno mi devi aiutare a chiedere il rilascio CC-BY-SA della bibbia tradotta in napoletano di Don Matteo Coppola alla Chiesa :D.--C.R. (talk) 18:27, 17 June 2017 (UTC)Reply

Assemblea WMI del 14 ottobre a Torino


Questa volta l'assemblea di Wikimedia Italia si tiene il 14 ottobre a Torino. Tradizionalmente è aperta anche ai non soci, ma se sei a Londra, credo che sia difficile contare sulla tua presenza. Si può, però, trovare il modo di far saper ai wikimediani italiani che si stai caricando su OldWikisource tanti testi in Piemontese --Mizardellorsa (talk) 03:52, 29 September 2017 (UTC)Reply

A Tunbridge Wells (Kent). Sì mi piacerebbe partecipare al movimento wikipediano. Ho appena raggiunto l'età della pensione, e mia moglie ed io vorremmo avere una base in Piemonte e trasferirci anche non completamente. Mia moglie è inglese. Comunque, se vai, fà pure loro presente del mio impegno da molti anni per i prodotti wikipediani e, sicuramente, per la lingua piemontese. È molto importante che i testi piemontesi trovino una "casa" permanente e non siano sparpagliati su siti web dalla vita spesso limitata. Ho trovato cose preziose pubblicate da persone che poi hanno abbandonato da anni i loro siti, o non li pagano più. Molti testi "scomparsi" possono essere rintracciati tramite, è già qualcosa, ma devono essere raccolti. Fra l'altro sto identificando autori piemontesi originali che fanno opere di rilievo, ma poi, per "timidezza" non le pubnblicano adeguatamente o pensano che le loro opere non valgano nulla. Non è vero. Oppure sono negligenti per la preservazione di quanto fanno. Magari bisognerebbe fare una campagna mirata ad incoraggiare questi autori "minori" e privati e dire loro di "immortalare" quel che fanno magari su piattaforme come il Progetto Gutemberg. - Cordiali saluti, Paolo --Pcastellina (talk) 08:28, 29 September 2017 (UTC)Reply

Un consiglio per la categoria della Pitla Storia Bibia


C'è un'opera di fine ottocento Pitla Storia bibia che chiaramente è più interessante sotto l'aspetto filologico perchè uno dei primissimi testi stampati in ladino dolomitico. Come categoria, dove mi consigli di mettere? Mizardellorsa (talk) 06:04, 12 November 2017 (UTC)Reply

Interessante! Categorie? Bibbia, Storia biblica, parafrasi della Bibbia, testi cristiani catechistici, ladino (dolomitico). Confronta con le categorie esistenti, o dammene una lista. Saluti.



Ets conscient que les obres de Main Page/Piemontèis/Milo Bré tenen copyright perquè l'autor va morir fa poc més d'un mes? M'ha fet gràcia descobrir que Òda a l’Italia és l'adaptació d'un poema en català Oda a Espanya de Joan Maragall.--KRLS (talk) 20:15, 16 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

Grassie. I vëdrai lòn ch'i podrai fé, përchè soe poesìe a son già publicà da vàire bande sensa problema. --Pcastellina (talk) 21:16, 16 February 2018 (UTC)Reply

Category:Giovanni Cerutti


All the pages in this category start with "Main Page/Piemontèis/Giovanni Cerutti". Shouldn't that simply be "Giovanni Cerutti"? --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 11:56, 2 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Actually, that seems to be the case with many other pages. I remember moving the pages from the Bible too, so maybe these pages should be moved as well to consistency's sake. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 11:58, 2 May 2018 (UTC)Reply
Do as you think it fits better, but tell me exactly wh as t I should do for the future. It's not clear to me if all the Piedmontese material should go under the category "Piemontèis" or not. Thanks. Paolo.
Marking all the pages with the category "Piemontèis" is very easy for us. That way we can easily export all pages when the new subdomain is created and fewer pages will be forgotten. However, if they are just in a subcategory of "Category:Piemontèis" that's fine too.
Prefixes are not used on Wikisource; they are used on the Incubator (I know it's rather complicated...) --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 13:47, 2 May 2018 (UTC)Reply



Car Paulin, tanti compliment! I s-ciàiro mach adess ël mëssage ch'it l'has lassame an sla Wikipedia. It l'has fàit un travajon e i spero pròpe che tòst a-i sarà un domini autònom për la Wikisorgiss piemontèisa!

Mi adess i travajo dzortut an sël Wiktionary (e am piasrìa che tòst o tard ëdcò chiel a podèissa avèj un sit autònom). Ma s'a peul serve i sërcrai ëd dé na man ëdcò ambelessì (col pòch temp a disposission ch'i l'hai).

Ancor mersì për tò travaj, e arvëdd-se! Borichèt (talk) 10:22, 12 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Grassie a ti. Un sit autònom an piemontèis dla WikiSurgiss a-i sarà tòst (èis), ma a ventrà che ti t'anregistre e ch'it ëm dà tò vot përché mi i peussa ess-ne l'aministrator. Lor a chërdo ch'i soma 'n tanti, ma cole-lì a son le régole. An tùit ij cas it farai savèj. Ij mè colaborator pì dirèt, Majo Galin-a e Carlin Ellena, a son ëd vejòt nen tant pràtich con la rej, ma as dan da fé! Bej salùt. --Pcastellina (talk) 10:33, 12 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Va bin, disme mach coma fé për marcheme. Borichèt (talk) 13:30, 12 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

It tnirai anforma! Për piasì, dame 'dcò tò adressa E-Mail. I l'hai 'd ròbe tecniche da ciamete për ël travaj an wikimedia. Grassie. Scrivme a: --Pcastellina (talk) 09:17, 13 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Namespace translations


Hi! :) You still have to translate the namespace names: [1] --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 10:16, 14 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Sorry, I still have to understand what is a namespace and where it should be inserted. Please, give me some examples and exact location. Sorry!
Wiki's have several namespaces. The main namespace is where the articles can be found. In the user namespace (pages beginning with "User:"), the user pages can be found. Categories can be found in the "Category:" namespace. Talk pages can be found in the "Talk:" namespace; talk pages of categories can be found under "Category talk:" etcetra. Basically, I need the translations for the following sentences/words:
  1. Page - Pàgina
  2. Page talk - Discussion ëd la pàgina
  3. Index - Tàula
  4. Index talk - Discussion ëd la tàula
  5. Wikisource - Wikisurgiss
  6. Wikisource talk - Discussion ëd la Wikisurgiss
Page does not refer to articles, but instead to individual pages of a pdf file, for example: Page:Florian Ceynowa - Rozmowa Polaka z Kaszubą.djvu/12. An example of an index is: Index:Florian Ceynowa - Rozmowa Polaka z Kaszubą.djvu.
You can put the translations here, and I'll communicate them further. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 09:19, 15 May 2018 (UTC)Reply
I will investigate further about IT terminology in Piedmontese, but often, as it happens for Italian, we keep the English term.
Thank you! I will place the translations at the proper place. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 13:42, 15 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Pay attention: Wikisource should be Wikisorgiss. Borichèt (talk) 16:25, 15 May 2018 (UTC)Reply

Grassie për la coression!
@User:Ooswesthoesbes CORRECTION: Wikisource = Wikisorgiss
I saw it :) Could you please look at the request page on meta to confirm the translations are right now? --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 08:56, 16 May 2018 (UTC)Reply
OK, done. --Pcastellina (talk) 11:12, 16 May 2018 (UTC)Reply
About translations. As I am not knowledgeable about how the system works, I want to enquire about the following: I am doing English-Piedmontese translations on: Where do these translations appear? On pms.wikipedia? On pms.wikisource? I am working now here: Thanks! --Pcastellina (talk) 21:14, 16 May 2018 (UTC)Reply
Those translations are going to appear on all Wikimedia wikis (including English Wikivoyage, Hindi Wikibooks, Meta, etc.), as long as you have set your preferences to Piedmontese :) They are regularly updated, so they do not appear immediately; I believe it is updated once a week or every two weeks. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 08:33, 17 May 2018 (UTC)Reply
@User:Ooswesthoesbes I have not heard from you about pms creation. How are things going? Is there something I should do for that? --Pcastellina (talk) 07:37, 2 June 2018 (UTC)Reply
No, you can track the creation at phabricator. Creating new wiki's have a lower priority than real problems, such as bugs. So therefore, it takes some more time :) --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 08:33, 2 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

Wiki created


Good news, the wiki has been created at! :) Please add any new contents there, while suspending your edits here. This to prevent any new edits being lost during the import phase. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 19:47, 7 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

Thanks! I understand I should not yet put any content there while you do the transfer? Is it right? Some of my editors may still make corrections at:èisa Should they stop doing it for the moment? Will the Piedmontese Bible be transferred there too? Anyway, the opening page of pms must have the following contents:èis Please let me know exactly in order for me not to make mistakes. Thanks. --Pcastellina (talk) 19:57, 7 June 2018 (UTC)Reply
The move will be arranged soon, probably by User:MF-Warburg or someone else who has cross-wiki access to import rights. I'd advise you to suspend editing for a moment; just to be sure 100% of the edits are copied and all the newest page versions are on the subdomain. New pages, however, may be created on the new subdomain, as they will not interfere with the importing :) --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 20:06, 7 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

Hi! MF-Warburg has just finished importing all pages. So now, you can start editing on the new domain :) Please let me know if there is anything (pages, talk pages, templates, categories, etc.) missing or something else you need help with. Of course, you can always contact me if you got questions or requests - also on the new subdomain. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 12:34, 8 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

Thanks, OK. But what about the pages onèisa Will they be deleted? If not, they should all be redirected because I will not update them anymore, or shall I? In fact when thouse pages are linked in other websites, they should now point to pms.wikisource, otherwise it will be a mess. Redirecting all those many pages by hand would take ages! --Pcastellina (talk) 14:08, 8 June 2018 (UTC)Reply
They will be deleted. If you know/find websites linking to here, tell them to update their links. I can let the the page La Bibia piemontèisa soft redirect, but I will delete all the subpages. --Ooswesthoesbes (talk) 14:16, 8 June 2018 (UTC)Reply

Wikisource:Proposed deletions#Stamp:On labora


Please discuss there.--Jusjih (talk) 04:17, 7 June 2023 (UTC)Reply